Past Policy Papers
We list below past policy papers that you can download.
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1. Bucking the market- LEAs and special needs 1993: Peter Housden.
2. Towards Effective Schools for All, 1993: Mel Ainscow
3. Teacher Education for Special Educational Needs: Professor Peter Mittler 1993
4. Allocating resources for SEN Jennifer Evans and Ingrid Lunt 1994
5. Special Schools and their Alternatives: Max Hunt 1994
6. Meeting SEN: options for partnership between health, education and social services: Tony Dessent 1996
7. Provision for SEN in the 1990s: from users’ perspectives: Micheline Mason, Robina Mallet, Colin Low and Philippa Russell 1996
8. Independence and dependence? Responsibilities for SEN in the Unitary and County Authorities: Roy Atkinson, Michael Peters, Derek Jones, Simon Gardner and Phillipa Russell 1997
9. Inclusion or Exclusion: Educational Policy and Practice for Children and Young People with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties: John Bangs, Peter Gray and Greg Richardson 1997
10. Baseline Assessment and SEN: Geoff Lindsay, Max Hunt, Sheila Wolfendale, Peter Tymms 1997
11. Future policy for SEN: Response to the Green Paper: Brahm Norwich, Ann Lewis, John Moore, Harry Daniels 1998
12. Rethinking Support for more Inclusive Schooling, 1999: Peter Gray, Clive Danks, Rik Boxer, Barbara Burke, Geoff Frank, Ruth Newbury and Joan Baxter 1999
13. Developments in Additonal Resource Allocation to Promote Greater Inclusion, 2000: John Moore, Cor Meijer, Klaus Wedell, Paul Croll and Diane Moses.2000
14. Early years and SEN: Professor Sheila Wolfendale and Philippa Russell 1999
15. Specialist Teaching for SEN and inclusion: Annie Grant, Ann Lewis and Brahm Norwich 2000
16. Equity dilemma 2001 paper 2 March 10(1): Richard Humphries, Sonia Sharpe, David Ruebain, Philippa Russell and Mike Ellis 2001
17. Standards and effectiveness in special educational needs: questioning conceptual orthodoxy: Richard Byers, Seamus Hegarty and Carol Fitz Gibbon 2001
18.Disability, disadvantage, inclusion and social inclusion: Professor Alan Dyson and Sandra Morrison 2002
19. Rethinking the 14-19 curriculum: SEN perspectives and implications; Dr Lesley Dee, Christopher Robertson, Professor Geoff Lindsay, Ann Gross, and Keith Bovair 2002
20. Examining key issues underlying the Audit Commission Reports on SEN: Chris Beek, Penny Richardson and Peter Gray 2003
21. Future schooling that includes children with SEN / disability: Klaus Wedell, Ingrid Lunt and Brahm Norwich 2005
22. Taking Stock: integrated Children’s Services, Improvement and Inclusion: Margaret Doran, Tony Dessent and Professor Chris Husbands 2006
23. Special schools in the new era: how do we go beyond generalities? Chris Wells, Philippa Russell, Peter Gray and Brahm Norwich 2007
24. Individual budgets and direct payments: issues, challenges and future implications for the strategic management of SEN: Christine Lenehan, Glenys Jones Elaine Hack and Sheila Riddell 2008
25. Special educational needs has outlived its usefulness: Chris Wells, Philippa Russell, Peter Gray and Brahm Norwich 2007
26. Personalisation and SEN Policy Paper final Oct 09: Judy Sebba, Armando DiFinizio, Alison Peacock and Martin Johnson. 2009
27. Choice-equity dilemma in special educational provision: John Clarke, Ann Lewis, Peter Gray 2010
28.SEN Green Paper 2011: progress and prospects: Brian Lamb, Kate Frood and Debbie Orton 2011
29. A school for the future – 2025: Practical futures thinking: Alison Black 2012
30. The Coalition Government’s SEN policy: aspirations and challenges? Peter Gray, Brahm Norwich, Philippa Stobbs, Sharon Hodgson. 2012
31. How will accountability work in the new SEND legislation? Camden parents, Penny Richardson, Brian Lamb and Jean Gross 2013
32. Research in special needs and inclusive education: the interface with policy and practice: Peter Blachford, Rob Webster, Liz Pellicano, Simon Ellis, Janet Tod, Geoff Lindsay, Julie Dockrell and Brahm Norwich 2014
33. Professional training in the changing context of special educational needs disability policy and practice: Neil Smith, Hazel Lawson and Glenys Jones. 2014
34. Governance in a changing education system: ensuring equity and entitlement for disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs: Peter Gray, Niki Elliot, Brahm Norwich. 2015
35. School Commissioning For Send: New Models, Limits and Possibilities School commissioning policy paper, Tom Jefford, Debbie Orton and Kate Fullon 2015
36. Early review of SEN legislation. Brian Lamb, Kate Browning, Andre Imich, Chris Harrison. 2016
37. Preparing for adulthood: developing provision for children and young people with SEN and disability. Yolande Burgess, Justin Cooke, Ellen Atkinson & Gill Waceba 2017
38. A worthwhile investment? Assessing and valuing educational outcomes for children and young people with SEND. Graeme Douglas, Graham Easterlow, Jean Ware and Anne Heavey 2017
39. Changes in SEN / disability provision, pressures on ordinary schools and parental choice: a review of inclusive education and its prospects. Alison Black, Lizzie Harris, Jayne Fitzgerald with Claire-Marie Whiting and Jenny Andrews 2018
40. Policy for SEND and Inclusion: examining UK national and some European differences.Chris Robertson, Alfons Timmerhuis Niels Egelund and Camilla Brørup Dyssegaard, Cecilia Simón and Gerardo Echeita and Richard Rieser.2018
41. Exclusions, barriers to admission and quality of mainstream provision for children and young people with SEND: what can be done? Jules Daulby, Louise Gazeley, Nicola Furey and James Roach. 2019
42. Accountability, performance management and inspection: how to enable positive responses to diversity? Jonathan Roberts, Nick Whittaker, Jane Starbuck and Robin Banerjee 2020